28 May 2018

Vigilance Against Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)

The Centre for Health Protection has issued an alert due to the increase in activity of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) in Hong Kong. However, there have been no reported cases at West Island.

Students should remain at home if they develop a rash, fever and/or blisters on their hands or feet or in the mouth and seek medical advice. If a student is diagnosed with HFMD, please notify the school nurse and the student should remain at home until the fever has subsided and all vesicles have dried and crusted.

HFMD is spread through contact and there is no vaccine to protect against the viruses. Therefore, it is important that we encourage students to maintain good hygiene practices.

Students can lower their risk of being infected by:

  • Washing hands often with soap and water, especially after using the toilet.
  • Avoiding close contact such as sharing eating utensils or water bottles.
  • Covering their mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing

If you require any further information or advice please contact the West Island health professional on 3902 4148 or visit https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/24/23.html

Thank you for your assistance, your diligence will help to keep our students safe and healthy.

Saffron Brown
School Health Professional