MidYIS Baseline Assessment

Baseline Assessments
MIDYIS is a “computer adaptive baseline test” (CABT) which provides a range of information about the student and the student cohort in any given year. The online system adapts with each question to suit the ability of the pupil taking the test, and measures the student’s vocabulary, Mathematics, nonverbal, proofreading, perceptual speed and accuracy skills.

The results of this test are used as a starting point for a discussion into the areas of strength and development for each child. MIDYIS is used for all Year 7 students entering West Island School. Students entering the school outside the normal entry time will also sit the MIDYIS assessment up to and including the end of Year 8.

Here is a guide to reading MidYIS baseline assessment data. 


Yellis is similar to the MidYIS assessment, but it is taken by all students at the start of Year 10. As well as providing diagnostic data on strengths and areas for development, it is also used as a guide to help students determine a target grade for their GCSE courses. Furthermore we use the GCSE grades predicted by Yellis as a baseline to measure how much value we are adding as a school at a subject and cohort level.

ALIS is similar to the MidYIS and Yellis assessments, but it is taken by all students at the start of Year 12. As well as providing diagnostic data on strengths and areas for development, it is also used as a guide to help students determine a target grade for their IB courses. Furthermore we use the IB grades predicted by Yellis as a baseline to measure how much value we are adding as a school at a subject and cohort level.

Use of Data
The above test data will be used to:

  • Track student learning and progress across the school by Faculties and by Pre 16 and Post 16 Guidance and Achievement Teams in order to plan effectively for student learning and provide support where needed
  • Identify students with particular learning needs and inform planning
  • Inform report writing for staff where the data will be used to provide information towards target grading and predictors for results
  • Provide tutors with data which can inform their one to one discussions with students on academic issues

Staff at West Island School have access to the student data generated by these tests through our in-house database systems.