30 Aug 2019

ESF Presentation for Parents: “What Matters: Effects and Side Effects of Education”

In this presentation, Professor Yong Zhao brings extensive evidence to show that every child has both potential and need to become great. To help each and every child achieve their greatness, we need a different kind of education that focuses on enhancing the unique strengths and passion of each child. Education is to help each and every child discover and develop their strengths and passions with the goal to create value for others and the world. To do so, we need to make education personalizable by the child, instead of personalized for the child. 
Date: Saturday 7 September
Venue:Quarry Bay School
Time: 9.00am to 10.30am.
Fee: Free of charge
Requirement: ESF parents only

Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis only.

Please click here to register. Please note: registration closes on Wednesday 4 September.
*There is no parking available at Quarry Bay School.