30 Aug 2017

Year 8 Well-Being Carousel During 1-2-1s

On Monday 28 August, Year 8 students took part in a Well-Being Carousel during their 1-2-1 sessions. Students were introduced to a number of methods they can use to take care of themselves and relax during the year which included yoga, martial well-being, colouring, origami, enjoying the great outdoors and board games. Year 8 had a great time and have definitely picked up some great tips.

Student Testimonials

On Monday’s 1-2-1, Song, Tang, and Yuan did a rotation which included coloring, board games, and origami. These activities show us how to dissolve stress and how to do it efficiently. These activities really helped me relax well. I found the coloring activity to be the most helpful because I felt that how the pencils mark the paper calming and therapeutic. I also appreciate how with art, we can express ourselves in any way. I believe that along with the (more physical) activities that Han, Ming, and Qing did, these rotations will be incredibly useful in helping us improve both our mental and physical well-being.
Samantha Ng

The 1-2-1 session on Monday was nearly one of the best experiences I have had. It was a compilation of fun and engaging activities centered around the topic ‘Well-Being’. Three Dynasties took on three activities each. The first activity concerned Martial Arts.We learned to kick and punch. We also learned some new words. One of the words was ‘Akea‘ which is the individual or personal sound one makes when punching or kicking like “Haiyah” or “Yah.” So everyone makes a different ‘Akea,’ which symbolizes the flow of energy inside you. And I felt it flow as I was so energized after this activity. The second activity was called ‘Enjoying the Great Outdoors’. We formed teams of six to put up and take down a tent in the fastest time. I believe this activity helped improve our cooperation, collaboration and teamwork skills to realise our objective better and faster. My team came fourth because we put the poles in the rain cover rather than the actual tent. But we definitely took our tent down the fastest. Our third activity was Yoga. This calmed us all down from the hysteria of the previous activity. This included stretches and learning to regulate our breathing. We also learned the tree pose, in which we stand up on one leg, put out hands above our head and stand there for two minutes.
Thank you to all the teachers who made this successful!
Miqdad Kasubhai