21 Sep 2017

WIS Students become Guinness World Record Holders

Last term, two groups of keen 3D modellers entered a competition run by the Hong Kong Productivity Council.

The students were tasked to redesign and 3D print a building in Victoria Harbour assigned to them by the organisers, the resulting models would then contribute to a display to be entered into a Guinness World Record attempt for “The Largest Display of 3D-Printed Sculptures” in a single venue.

Both groups of students did extremely well in getting to the semi-final of the competition, and although they didn’t make the final the record was broken and they are now Guinness World Record holders.

The students that took part in the presentations to the HKPC were Samuel Scroggie, Jack Field, Leon Haworth, Jonathan Nicholls and Lachie Stewart.

Full details are here https://www.hkpc.org/en/corporate-info/media-centre/press-releases/7004-guinness-world-record-3d-printed-display

Well done all!