10 Aug 2016

WIS IB Top Scorers Meet Media at ESFC

Congratulations to  Howard Chae and Karthik Subramaniam, who both scored the maximum of 45 points on the IB Diploma Examination. Back in July when the results were announced, the two were invited along with other ESF IB toppers to meet the media at a press conference held at ESF Center.

A massive media coverage was generated, including a cover story on Headline Daily. The papers include Apple Daily News, am730, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong Economic Times, Headline Daily, The Standard, Ming Pao Daily News, Metro (Hong Kong), Oriental Daily News, SCMP, Skypost, Sing Tao Daily News, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po.

Howard was noted as stating that his way to deal with stress is to ‘plan carefully’ and insisted in getting two to three hours of leisure time after school before studying again.

Congratulations to both the toppers on their fantastic performances and we wish them every success in the future.