3 May 2019

Service Learning at WIS – HK Shark Foundation

Hong Kong Shark Foundation (HKSF) is a registered charity dedicated exclusively to shark conservation. As apex predators, sharks are a crucial part of the marine food chain. The demand for shark products has contributed to the rapid decline of many species, with several already nearing extinction. Removing sharks from our oceans will threaten the delicate balance of ecosystems that are valuable sources of food and key elements in regulating our climate.

The HKSF aim to raise awareness about shark conservation, particularly the unsustainable practice of shark finning, and to reduce consumption of shark products in Hong Kong.

As a community partner, we run a very successful Shark ambassador programme. Set up by students for students here at West Island School, they work tirelessly to stand up, speak up, and make a difference in our global community.

Our first ever Shark Week took place this year; students got their peers involved to change the way we think about sharks. WIS is determined to change teachers’ and students’ perception of these apex predators, and raise awareness about the threats they face as a species.WIS and our students are committed to raising awareness and supporting the HKSF throughout the year.

According to wildlife charity WWF Hong Kong, as many as 73 million sharks are killed each year, and the shark fin trade is one of the driving forces behind this. Hong Kong is generally considered the world’s largest market for shark fins.

Last year, West Island School committed to a huge amount of student support and raised over 100,000 HKD for our closest community partners.