16 Mar 2016

New Printer Services at WIS

West Island School has recently gone through a tender process to contract out our printing and photocopying solution. As part of our review into printing services we have taken the opportunity to review our current printing practices.

Our current solution allows students to print and photocopy at school using their Octopus cards. Unfortunately, this technology is both expensive for the school to maintain and somewhat inflexible for our future needs. We have therefore decided to move to an alternative, more future proofed, smart card technology.

The new student smart card will allow students to borrow books from the library and will also allow them to use the school printers.

As our students mostly print in black and white we have kept this cost to a minimum and are able to reduce the black and white costs currently charged to students. Below shows a table for comparison:









New cards will be distributed to students by their tutors during the first week of Summer Term.  As the new printer card will also act as the school’s student card, existing student cards will be collected at this point.

Although the new smart cards will be issued free to all existing students, printing credit will need to be purchased in advance in units of HK$50. Any credit on the cards at the end of the year will be carried over to the following year, additionally large balances can be refunded to the student on leaving school, providing of course the card is returned. There will continue to be a charge of HK$50 for the replacement of lost cards and transfer of any existing balance to the replacement card.

We are now about to enter a printing services transition period and immediately after the Easter vacation the new printers will be in place and students who have sufficient credit will be able to print from their new printer accounts.  In order to ensure that your  child has uninterrupted access to WIS printing services I would be grateful if your child could pre-purchase printer credit vouchers from outside A510 during break and lunchtime before the end of term.

Many thanks for your cooperation during this transition period.