28 Sep 2018

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of WIS,

Many individual achievements this week to share, starting with sixteen school records beaten during our Friday swim gala. Great to see our lower school community swimming for a point and for the many who won their races. Thank you to the PE faculty for leading us in another Dynasty swim gala.

During Saturday, a number of upper school students participated in the Mind Over Matter quiz, participating in humanities competitions with other schools across Hong Kong and Macau. Congratulations to them for their performance in the early rounds!

WIS Global Citizens Yan Wong, Merilyn Wong, Sula Hedley, Karen Leung, Kamakshi Bhavnani, Gayathri Eyunni, Amanda Nathan and Winston Lam have been presented with a personally signed book from Malala. Writing for a competition to explain how they thought they were unique means they will be published by UBS as part of a series of personal stories across Hong Kong. Unfortunately, Malala couldn’t be in Hong Kong to make the presentation herself but she has also recorded a personal message which we will share in assembly later this term.

Well done to Sienna Bertamini and Pearl Ng who participated in “Flood” – a National Youth Theatre & HKYAF production, and came back with an unforgettable experience. Each member of the ensemble had to be willing to be bold, take risks, and strive with the rest of the ensemble to find the most innovative way of telling the story through movement, dance, spoken word and song.

Finally, due to the weather our Open Day has been moved to 9 October. A sign up sheet is available for those who wish to attend.

Happy National Day!

Christopher Sammons


Monday 1 October: Public Holiday

Thursday October 4: Y13 Parents Evening

Friday 5 October: Tang & Yuan Day