17 Jun 2016

Credits Update: Bronze and Our First Silver Award Winners

The credits have been coming in; congratulations to the following for reaching the Bronze Award Level:

Fode YAKPO [07H1]
Rohan ARON [07H2]
Sela CALDWELL [07M1]
Thibault MINNE [07M1]
Jeanette WEYERS [07M1]
Gemma COWIESON [07M2]
Finn RIDLEY [07M2]
Thomas ROBINSON [07Q1]
Aidyn WONG [07Q1]
Zachary ISHIDA [07Q2]
Harry ARMISTEAD [07S1]
Skye KIERAN [07S1]
Ria BORGER [07S1]
Vilmer SORENSEN [07T1]
Hanson CHAN [07S1]
Aiden EVERETT [07S2]
Mimi STEARN [07Y1]
Hayley LAI [07S2]
Elisha VEREBES [07S2]
Freya VAN DE LAAK [07Y2]
Dylan POWELL [07H2]
Rafe MAN [08Q2]
Minerva CHENG [08T1]
Jason LEE [08Y2]
Sofia CULTURA [09H1]
Charlotte RIDLEY [09M1]
Tara RELAN [09M2]
Milou PHELPS [09Q2]
Megan JOHNSTON [09Y1]
Sofie GOWRAN [09Y2]

In June 2016, we also finally see our Silver Award Winners. Well done to the following for reaching the heady heights of this prestigious award:
Fenella GUINNESS [09M2]
Hayley LAI [09Q2]
Lachlan TRAN [09Q2]
Emily DEAN [M2AW]

Next stop: WIS GOLD. For those of you who are worried about the time left to gather your credits, your credits will carry over to the next academic year. You will all have every opportunity to reach the school’s Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards.

Well done WIS. Keep it up!