26 Oct 2017

Annette Chan’s Experience at the Asian Junior Figure Skating Challenge 2017-18

The magic of skating is incredible for me!

After seven years of  professional training, I am now a part of the HK National team. It’s been challenging competitions, terrific coaches, supportive WIS teachers, tremendous effort, difficult tests and making incredible friends which has all added to my skating life.

Skating has become an important part of my life and is a passion that continues to grow.  I am able to live without food, sleep, computer, phone but will never be able to live without my skates.

Recently, I took on my 1st attempt on the Elite Junior Competition in the Asian Junior Figure Skating Challenge 2017/18 and placed third in my subgroup.

Skating is one of the most difficult sports and while there is  much room for improvement, I will keep up with my positive spirit and keep on fighting through upcoming challenges.

Although the sport makes me fall thousands of time, I will never give up.

Annette Chan
(Year 12)