19 Apr 2018

2018 Ski Trip Report

The WIS Ski Trip has been an experience which I have been lucky to share with many of my friends, the talented ski and snowboard instructors, the passionate staff at Les Elfes and, of course, Mr Harding and Ms Schroder who both work hard to give us the experience of a lifetime!

Nestled in the beautiful Swiss Alps, the thriving town of Verbier is complemented not only by delicious local delicacies (a particular raclette stand comes to mind), but also the stunning vistas that greet you every morning as you head to breakfast.

The skiing experience is also absolutely fantastic and I never got tired of speeding (and falling) down the mountain. Never, in one week, have I had more chocolate, never have I had more skiing, and never have I had more fun than I did on the Ski Trip!

I definitely recommend the WIS Ski Trip if you are a beginner or an advance skier or snowboarder!

Don’t miss out on the sign up!

Zachary Downie