18 Oct 2019

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of WIS,

On Thursday before half term, I was honoured to represent West Island community at the fourth celebration of the Lui Che Woo Prize. The prize has been established by Dr Woo to honour the selfless contributions of individuals or organisations for the betterment of world civilisation with words and deeds. The laureates are awarded prizes for sustainable development, betterment of humankind and promotion of positive life attitude. There are some truly inspiring leaders this year including recognition of The Nature Conservancy for regenerating oyster beds along Hong Kong coastline, Dr Doudna’s work on gene editing technology and Ms Jinshi’s lifelong guardianship and conservation of the world’s largest and oldest Buddhist paintings in Dunhuan Grottoes. Fifty-six selfless years of archaeological endeavour.

Coming to school the following day, I wanted to nominate the whole of West Island Community for being so positive and purposeful in the past few months. Our Dynasty Day – “Going Local”  went well, celebrating local NGOs that we support. Wearing the signature colours of our partners to celebrate Hong Kong – we raised $22,689.50 for worthy projects of the following: Bethune House and HELP. Thank you for everybody’s efforts.

This week has started positively despite a few being caught up in the hurricane over Japan. With everybody back safely we have danced, sung and danced again in preparation for our big Diwali event. Ms Hannaford is still standing after keeping the show on the road whilst the auditorium has been renovated and her commitment is incredible. I look forward to seeing you for Ghee on Tuesday 29 October as part of our Diwali celebrations this year.

There are many more good things to look forward to. Whilst Horizons Week planning enters final stages, our new PTA members have an evening of music, art and cheer planned for the whole parent community on 8 November from 6.30-9.30pm. If you haven’t previously been to an evening with our PTA now is the time to come together to create cheer and positive spirit whilst listening to some great West Island bands (with a glass of wine or two) at the WIS Music and Art Festival.

As I’m writing this, students are completing this year’s AWE survey which helps students reflect on the things that sustain their wellness. Parents have been invited to complete this to help them understand what we are talking with young people about. It coincides with a group of students from our Global Perspectives class who would also like to ask parents what they find difficult talking to their children about. Their intention to provide resources which may help all of us.

Before I sign off, a note about some disruption to traffic on Victoria Road due to slope maintenance work which will last from 25 October 2019 to August 2020. It’s not too disruptive but do take note.

Look forward to catching up with you during the rest of the term.

Christopher Sammons

Wednesday 23 October: Year 7 PTA Parents Coffee Morning
Tuesday 29 October: Diwali Ball
Thursday 31 October: Year 8-12 PTA Coffee Morning