14 Sep 2018

Assessing Well-Being in Education at ESF Schools

Dear Parents,

Over the next couple of weeks your son/daughter will fill in an online questionnaire assessing their well-being. This is happening across ESF with all students in year 4-13. The Assessing Well-Being in Education (AWE) assessment will help schools to measure and track the well-being of their school community though Positive Education based online well-being assessments.

The AWE assessment consists of a collection of validated psychometric scales and scientifically informed questions, carefully devised from psychology literature that assess various aspects of well-being. The AWE assessment covers all major theories of well-being, rather than one particular theory or perspective. Filling in the 14 questions should take 4-8 minutes.

The school will receive data about each student’s well-being, and also anonymised data related to classes, year groups and the whole school. This will help the school plan to help both individuals and inform the ongoing development of West Island’s Well-Being provision.

Each student will also receive their own personalised wellbeing report. The reports are written in plain English with easily interpretable graphs that track changes overtime so they can monitor their own progress. Students will be encouraged to talk to their family and friends about their results. Having conversations about well-being, both what is going well and what is not going so well, is a good first step towards improving well-being. Students can also talk to their tutor, Heads of Year or one of the school counsellors.

Further information is available at www.awesomeschools.com Should you wish to discuss this further please get in touch with Mrs Clare Haworth or Mr Guy Hewson for any questions relating to the Pre 16 phase and Mrs Sue Carey or Mrs Sam Evans-Kitson for Post 16.

West Island School